Favorite Works

Here we focus on the personal: music which touches us, recordings which move us, or works which have a very personal significance. On this page members of the Carus staff, editors, and colleagues in the music business reveal their favorite pieces – this might be a choral edition, a CD recording, a song book, an organ edition, or our choir app.

Amilcare Ponchielli: Mass – an opera in church

The Messa by A. Ponchielli is undoubtedly a masterpiece of 19th century Italian sacred music. And that is why it deserves to feature again in today’s concert repertoire, according to Marius Popp, Deanery Music Director in Kronach and founder and conductor of the South German Doctors’ Choir and Orchestra. He has conducted the Mass firstly in Cremona, then several times in Germany to highly enthusiastic audiences.


A choral masterpiece, a virus, and an app

carus music, the choir app, offers valuable support for choir singers. Mirjam James and Elizabeth Robinson love to prepare a performance of Bach’s B minor Mass with this practice aid.

Heinrich Schütz: Musikalische Exequien

A drama of faith in music, in the face of death, for Schütz composed by “dramatising” the text. All in all, these Exequien are a work of mourning and comfort – Baroque music which continues to speak to Meinrad Walter, professor of theology and liturgy at the Freiburg Musikhochschule, today in its emotion-laden urgency and its magnificent interpretation of the Bible.

Beethoven for Choir

The Moonlight Sonata, the Appassionata, a violin sonata for choir? Is this really necessary? Isn’t there enough original music by Beethoven already? Isn’t there something slightly disrespectful about this? Karen Priebe’s background is as a pianist, and she is a professed fan of classical piano music, so she was both curious and a little sceptical when she first heard about the new Beethoven for choir CD. Naturally she first listened to the Kyrie based on the first movement of the Moonlight Sonata, and was lost in reverie from the first measures. She has found her favorite piece!

Mendelssohn: St. Paul

St. Paul is Philipp Schweizer’s favorite piece because the music and the content go hand in hand and are easily accessible to the listener. The confrontation between those who recognize Christ as the son of God (that is the Christians), and those who hold fast to the Jewish faith could scarcely be portrayed more thrillingly …

Kinderlieder aus Deutschland und Europa (Children’s Songs from Germany and across Europe)

Our colleague Susanne Weiler is convinced: With Kinderlieder aus Europa, children at nursery school can get to know each other better, and at the same time experience a great deal about the cultures of neighboring countries. And in the family too, the focus is once again on singing with children thanks to the beautiful song book…

Handel: Alexander’s Feast

The favorite piece of Reiner Leister comes from Handel’s Alexander’s Feast with which Handel opened his oratorio season on 19 February 1736 at the Covent Garden Theatre, London. For Reiner Leister, it is here that the power and the emotional force of the music is absolutely clear and unambiguous.

Die schönsten Lieder (The most beautiful songs) – Anniversary edition

Nadine Kristen, graphic designer at Carus-Verlag, on our anniversary song book: “I hold a successful song book in my hands which contains something for everyone and invites you to make music. A well-deserved favorite!” Many of the 166 songs give Nadine Kristen a child-like joy and positive memories of singing. The wonderfully colorful illustrations by Frank Walka also captivate her.

Hugo Wolf: Verborgenheit

He put the CD on once more and allowed himself to be transported by the heavenly sounds into a dream world… This was the reaction of singer and LIEDERPROJEKT initiator Cornelius Hauptmann, when he heard the CD “Kennst Du das Land…” for the first time a few weeks ago, featuring the chamber choir figure humaine conducted by Denis Rouger.

Cornelius Hauptmann has a busy international career as a concert and opera singer. His special love is for the German lieder repertoire. He initiated the LIEDERPROJEKT, a charitable project to support singing with children, which celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2019.

Schütz: Wo der Herr nicht das Haus bauet (If the Lord build not the dwelling)

Which work offers more than this? Claudio Monteverdi, who died shortly before the publication of the collection, would probably have been astonished about this congenial “German” adaptation of the seconda prattica. From the collection, which Schütz compiled over many years, each work has become so dear to the heart of Frieder Bernius that he is spoilt for choice if he has to select just one.

Cornelius Hauptmann has a busy international career as a concert and opera singer. His special love is for the German lieder repertoire. He initiated the LIEDERPROJEKT, a charitable project to support singing with children, which celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2019.