A wider range of services – from program research to concert

Carus-Verlag expands its range of digital editions

Carus is taking the next step in digitisation as the first German music publisher to offer its customers an extensive program digitally. Conductors, choral directors, and choral music fans can now benefit from a considerably expanded range of products from Carus. Many sheet music editions are now also available in digital form. As well as this, additional materials for successful rehearsal and concert preparation are available for the first time. Read the report of the Carus management.

Dear choral directors and friends of Carus-Verlag,

The corona pandemic continues to affect the choral music scene. Let us all hope that as soon as possible we will all be able to return to our passion for singing again to the full.

What we are already observing as a direct consequence of corona is the increasing importance of digital products. In schools and universities the range of additional digital services is expanding, and many educational institutions are successfully offering webinars instead of seminars. By definition, choirs can never be “digital only”, but depend on live encounters and making music together – but digitisation of course is an issue for choirs. At Carus we naturally want to serve both worlds as well as possible. We are therefore systematically expanding our digital range of products. Over recent weeks, many of you have specifically encouraged us to do so. So, we can proudly announce … from now on you can benefit from a wide range of digital editions from Carus!

Happy about the new digital offer: Publisher Dr. Johannes Graulich and managing director Ester Petri

Following the successful introduction of the choir app “carus music” in 2015, we are making the next step in digitisation and offering you an extensive choral program digitally, the first German music publisher to do so. The main focus of this range is on Carus Urtext editions of major choral works by Monteverdi, Schütz, Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Verdi, Bruckner, Brahms, Rheinberger, Dvořák, Puccini, and others – works which are now also available as digital editions to download.

As well as this, for the first time over 3,000 works – a cappella and scored for small forces – from five centuries are available digitally, often in combination with top-quality recordings from the Carus label.

In the new FAQs section, Carus choral experts answer questions frequently posed about choral works or Carus editions.

It is now easy and convenient for you and your choral singers to purchase our popular practice aids as mp3s from our website. Practising individual choral parts can be done successfully at home, and rehearsal times, in times of Corona something of a rarity, don’t have to be wasted on unnecessary note learning.

So that we can support you not only in researching programs and rehearsal work, but also in preparing program booklets, we are making available introductory and singing texts for selected works. You can easily and quickly use these in your program booklet.


We are as proud of our autumn new releases as of our new digital range of editions. For it has been quite a feat for our Editorial and Production Departments to put together an interesting program for you, in spite of the pandemic and short-time working. Our highlights:

our first extensive school choir collection for Advent and Christmas, chorissimo! Christmas, is already being enthusiastically received. Many choral directors see this as an excellent opportunity to bring pleasure to audiences at Christmas.

“Great choral works in smaller scorings” are now more relevant than ever before. In our series we have just published significantly reduced versions of Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis, Mendelssohn’s oratorio Elijah and Saint-Saëns’ marvellous Requiem (originally scored for opulent symphonic forces!) in a reduced version for strings, harp, and organ – in good time for the 100th anniversary of the composer’s death on 16 December 2021.

And staying on the topic of anniversaries, 2022 is Heinrich Schütz Year, and Anton Bruckner Year in 2024. Of course, we are already working on several Bruckner choral-symphonic works, some of these also in arrangements for smaller scorings.

Carus will be loyal to you in these times of pandemic. We can support you with reliable sheet music editions as well as practical practice aids from researching programs, through the rehearsal period, up to successful concerts. For we want you to be able to concentrate on what is really important – making music with your choir!

We hope that you can draw strength and energy from music over the coming months, as we are doing here at Carus.

With very best wishes

Ester Petri & Dr. Johannes Graulich

chorissimo! Christmaschorissimo! Christmas

Carus 2.221

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